Holy Island Amateur Radio Club!

Callsign: MW0KBN

Who are we?

The club is an Affiliated Member of the RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain). We are a group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts based on Holy Island, just off Anglesey, the North West part of Wales, and are proud that we have Islands on the Air (IOTA) status and are listed under the Welsh Islands group .

A little bit of history

The Club was formed on 22nd August 2022 by former members of a different Amateur Radio Club.


This is not the first Amateur Radio Club to be established in Holyhead.

By kind permission of Phil, (GW4XYI) we were given access to archive material for the original Radio Group HADARS - Holyhead and District Amateur Radio Society. HADARS were formed in July 1984, pre internet days so there is nothing to be found online.

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HADARS too were a group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts and back then, as HIARC is now, keen to continue to offer the Radio Ham, the CB operator and the Short Wave Listener (SWL) a common meeting ground where all facets of the hobby of radio communication can be promoted.

What do we do?

HIARC hold group meetings to discuss future programmes and events. After discussion and agreement with the members, a 2 metre Net has been operated under the control of Cath (GW4CVT), on 145.300MHz, most Friday evenings, transferring to High Frequency if time permits. The club have also discussed holding a Field Day and also activating the Island during IOTA events. The club run Special Event Stations for 145 Alive, SOS Radio Week, Museums on the Air, Lighthouses on the Air and Railways on the Air. We are also hoping to to take part in Churches on the Air in 2024.

We also take part in the RSGB contests as well as the larger contests throughout the year.


The club welcomes anyone interested in the hobby and can be “signposted” and given assistance on how to become a licensed amateur radio operator

Where do we meet?

We do not have established premises yet but have been granted permission to hold our face-to-face meetings at the The Boathouse Hotel, Newry Beach, Holyhead on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 19:00.

On The Air.

Some of us meet on air Friday evenings 19:00 start as arranged via the Facebook posts usually on 145.300 We are also on Facebook Holy Island Amateur Radio Club

How do I join or enquire?

You may come along to the club venue on a club night to meet us or contact one of our Admin officials via the Facebook group. Hoping the club continues to grow, 73 from MW0KBN